Japan 2 Earth

Japan 2 Earth Hosts New Year's Event with Partners

Sanae Takaichi, Minister in Charge of Economic Security, talks about her expectations for J2E on January 26, 2023 in Tokyo.

On January 26, Japan 2 Earth (J2E) hosted a party commemorating the new year. In the year that started with the Noto Earthquake in Japan, participants were even more highly aware of issues facing the country, particularly the need to build sustainable communities.

Attendees of the Japan 2 Earth New Year's Event in Tokyo on January 26, 2023.

More than 30 representatives from partner organizations and honored guests attended the event. A moment of silence for the victims of the recent earthquake disaster marked the quiet start of the event.

JAPAN Forward launched J2E in August 2022 as a site dedicated to environmental issues and the SDGs. Going into its third year of operation, J2E tackles a wide array of issues with stories about what private companies, local governments, citizens, and individuals are doing to achieve the SDGs.

Sanae Takaichi, Minister in Charge of Economic Security, talks about her expectations for J2E on January 26, 2023 in Tokyo.

Sanae Takaichi, Minister in Charge of Economic Security of Japan, attended as a guest. "Japan has many world-class technologies, including nuclear fusion. These technologies also contribute to the environment. We support the industrialization of these technologies," she asserted in her remarks.

Managing Editor, Susan Yoshimura

J2E Managing Editor Susan Yoshimura commented, "The SDGs bring us hope during an age of discouraging news. At J2E, we will do what we can to contribute to their realization, and we'll need the help of our partners to do so."

Guests, partners, and staff alike enjoyed exchanging ideas and sharing information during the relaxed dinner event.

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