COP27 Leaves Japan with Homework Ahead of Next Year's G7

As COP27 came to a close, Japan heads home having had some measure of success, but many challenges remain ahead of the G7 Summit in Hiroshima next spring.

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At COP27, which concluded on November 20, Japan called for the creation of a cooperative framework for the smooth implementation of international GHG emissions trading (market mechanism) based on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Some success was achieved with over 60 countries and organizations participating in the initiative.

The "Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership," was announced on November 16 by Japan. The initiative will support the development of systems and human resources that countries need to participate in emissions trading.

As of November 20, 67 countries and organizations, including the US and other developed countries, as well as emerging economy nations such as Brazil and India, and island nations like Fiji, had joined in. The UNFCCC Convention Secretariat and the World Bank are also among participants.

UN Executive Secretary of Framework Convention on Climate Change Simon Stiell speaks at the closing plenary at the COP27 climate summit in Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, November 20, 2022 (REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany).

A government representative commented, "It is rare to have so many show their cooperation at the launch of a project. We feel a sense of expectation and responsibility."

Meanwhile, Japan will host next spring's Group of Seven (G7) summit. At COP27, Japan engaged in active opinion exchange with other G7 nations in preparation for discussions on climate measures at the upcoming summit.

However, as debate over raising emission reduction targets and approaches to mitigation continue admidst censure from developing countries and island nations, will Japan be able to come up with a mutually agreeable propsal for the G7 and communicate it to the world? COP27 has left Japan with a great deal of homework leading up to the G7.

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