Captive-Bred Japanese Rock Ptarmigans Released in Nagano's Central Alps

Seven captive-bred young rock ptarmigans, an endangered bird on Japan’s red list, were released into the wild in an effort to help restore their population.

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The Ministry of the Environment has announced the release seven endangered Japanese rock ptarmigans into the wild. Designated a protected species, the ptarmigan chicks were set free in the Central Alps of Nagano Prefecture. The birds were bred in captivity at the Nasu Animal Kingdom in Tochigi Prefecture and Omachi Alpine Museum in Nagano Prefecture.

Hope for the Future

The seven chicks were transported to an area near the summit of Mount Komagatake on September 17. 

To help them adapt to the local environment, they were initially kept in cages for protection. After being released from the cages, they were observed eating alpine plants nearby.

Japanese rock ptarmigan chicks released near the summit of Mount Komagatake in the Central Alps of Nagano Prefecture on September 23. (Photo courtesy of the Ministry of the Environment)

A Ministry of the Environment representative commented. "This is the first time rock ptarmigans raised by humans have been returned to the wild. We hope these chicks will survive into the next generation."

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