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IWC69 Report: What the Results Show Us

IWC69 Report: Nonbinding Resolutions Highlight New and Old Trends

IWC69 Report: Catch Quotas and Sanctuary

IWC69 Report: Main IWC Agenda Items of the Session

IWC69 Report: Has the International Whaling Commission become a Zombie?

Fisheries and Food Security in Japan’s Rich Waters

Getting to Food Security with More Variety in Food Sources

Whales in the Context of Food Security

[Food Trek] Kochi Celebrates its Whale Cuisine and 400 Years of Whaling 

It is not whaling that is threatening the handful of whale species that are endangered at present, such as the vaquita in the Gulf of California and the large North Atlantic right whale. Rather, bycatch of other fisheries, ship strikes, and development in the seas they inhabit are what threatens them ... Science is meant to be utilized to solve real-life problems, not fantasies.
— Hajime Ishikawa, Shimonoseki Academy of Marine Science, Former Cruise Leader of Antarctic Whaling Fleet [Read More]

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